Start accepting Monero payments at yourname@xmr.id

works with all major wallets, including the official Monero clients

Your user name is added to a directory and associated with your Monero address. All common wallets know how to handle XMR ID's. When a user enters one, the wallet queries the directory and loads your actual Monero address onto the screen. Money will then be sent to this actual address as usual - without intermediaries. Monitoring ensures the permanent integrity of the directory entry.

At XMR.ID you pay just once for us to keep your XMR ID up. How?

To set up your XMR ID I need three things

  1. numbers or letters (example)
  2. address or sub-address (example)
  3. will receive monitoring alerts (example)
Should this form act up, feel free to email the information to get at xmr dot id instead.
Also be sure to get in touch if neither your inbox nor spam folder receive our message.

The three steps to your XMR ID

Step 1: Submit the required information

I will verify availability of your desired username and respond with further details.


Step 2: Pay

I will provide the a payment address to which you transfer the required amount of Monero.


Step 3: Wait for confirmation

Once I receive your payment, I configure your XMR ID and hand you the account details for DNS monitoring, which ensures the integrity of your XMR ID.


Everyone should be able to transact funds by addressing a simple username - Free from bureaucracy, censorship and high fees.

fullmetalScience, XMR.ID